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The "New Neighbor International Bakers & Makers" ministry began in 2017 as an extension of the relationships we've formed within our English Conversation Classes.  Our vision was to encourage women to form and build relationships within their community and deepen their English conversation skills through selling homemade items from their home cultures.  Building English language skills and work experience are invaluable to many new immigrants to our community as they prepare to enter the workforce and/or support their families financially!

The Hilliard Farm Market is a weekly event in our Hilliard community throughout the summer season.  The New Neighbor cohort of women is supported by a Cornerstone volunteer team.  Volunteer opportunities include:

2-3:30 PM: Packing and Labeling at CCF.  Women bring food items from home kitchens and volunteers assist in packaging, labeling, and pricing items before transporting to Farm Market site.

2:30-3:30 PM: Volunteers load up truck with tents, tables, and other items at CCF and set up Market Booth at Hilliard United Methodist Church.

4-7 PM: Volunteers support sellers as they interact with customers during Market hours.  Anyone is welcome to come and visit the Market and support the New Neighbor team!

6:45-7:30 PM: Volunteer team cleans and tears down Market booth, loads truck, and transports back to CCF

If interested in volunteering, please contact Irma Chon (614)560-6190.  Any volunteer help is appreciated - serve for a single Market day or throughout the summer!

Partnership with Festa